Products / Tips / In the spotlight: Trendy window coverings for 2024
The window has well and truly been cast open to 2024 and already we’re seeing new trends emerge within the furnishings space.
Where blinds and curtains once played a purely function role in the home, they’ve fast become a visual statement. And as the depth and breadth of fabric, colour and finish options grows, as does our ability to personalise the look and feel of spaces.
Here is what we can expect to see adorning windows in the year ahead.
Locally made Roman blinds
Nothing evokes a sense of effortless luxury quite like Roman blinds. Perhaps it’s because their origin heralds all the way back to the windows of the Coliseum during the Roman Empire. Despite their noble history, this variety of furnishing is increasingly occupying the modern realm, due in part to its availability in both hard and soft styles, and casual or informal looks. Regardless of colour or fabric, they offer a clean, luxurious finish with their pleated folds and conservative footprint.
Blinds by Peter Meyer is one Australian manufacturer with a reputation for producing elegant furnishings, increasingly in demand across the country, and we’re proud to provide residential and commercial clients alike with their range of premium Roman Blinds.
Coloured linen furnishings
Never before have soft window furnishings been available in such a broad spectrum of colours, so it’s not surprising that people are looking to them as powerful expressions of style. Echoing that sense of versatility is an increasingly popular fabric – linen.
Coveted for its ability to bring casual sophistication, ambience and breathability to any space, linen has quickly become the eco-friendly option adored for its availability in so many colours, from subtle to statement.
External entertaining furnishings
Outdoor entertaining spaces are more prized than ever. A love of good company enjoyed outside in the fresh air has led to a surge in the popularity of external furnishings like venetians, shutters and awnings. As people seek to spend more time outdoors, the need for a more stylish and protective façade has grown, paving the way for new exterior trends.
As with interior furnishings, the growing variety of colours and materials has meant that external furnishings are better able to compliment personal styles.
SHADES can custom create the perfect, on-trend interior or external window furnishings to complement your own personal flair. If you’d like to explore bringing a more contemporary touch to your home in 2024, get in touch for a quote.